• Volunteer Stories

Unspoken Challenge During Project Identification

During my IST-1 training, while conducting presentations on community project ideas, I realized that an often-unspoken challenge for some community developers in the project identification phase is distinguishing projects that genuinely serve the greater good of the community from those influenced by individual desires. 

The first step to solving the challenge is acknowledging that individuals, even with the noblest intentions, carry personal dreams, skills, and passions that may influence their involvement in community projects. Therefore, as facilitators in the community, we should encourage individuals to balance their passions and desires with a pragmatic evaluation of how well their interests align with the broader community’s needs. Advocating for a transparent decision-making process within the community will ensure that projects are driven by a genuine desire to benefit the community.

By prioritizing comprehensive needs assessment, balancing personal passions with broader community needs, and maintaining open dialogue, individuals involved in community projects can overcome the inherent tension between individual desires and community needs. The continuous strive for adaptability and a commitment to serving the greater good define the success and impact of community project endeavors, ensuring a delicate yet essential balance in project selection.


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