• Volunteer Stories

Transformation is a continous journey

Transformation is a continous journey. “Why am I doing this again?”

This is a question I asked myself a lot towards the end of my service in Uganda while preparing to go for the exchange program in Rwanda.

In just a year my community and I had set up 92 kitchen gardens. We constructed 35 energy saving stoves and plate racks. I worked with 3 community members to set up market stalls. Moreover we set up a nursery bed with over 25,000 trees of five species. Furthermore, I facilitated a women’s group in craft making for income diversification. I also engaged the youth to set up a bakery enterprise, set up commercial vegetable gardens and soap production. I facilitated soap production and piggery projects. These were all endeavors to diversify income sources. This enhanced potential and capacities of community members especially youth and women. Todate, the impact is still tangible and truly undeniable

Even then, it has taken me a lot of efforts and hard work to get to this point. The question still re-echoed, “why was I doing this all over again in a new country?”

I stepped into Rwanda as an exchange volunteer with not just memories of our successes in Uganda. I also had the deep understanding of that real change happens when communities take ownership of their development. Rwanda has presented a new landscape, new challenges, and new opportunities to apply and refine what I had learned. Here I have found myself immersed in a different cultural context. The mission; working alongside communities, fully embracing empathy and witnessing, first hand, the locally-led solutions to challenges.

My experience in Rwanda has reaffirmed that community development is not just about implementing projects; its about fostering relationships, building trust, and learning from the people themselves. I am a witness to this, the enthusiasm the locals have to teach me about their language, culture and the glitter in their eyes every time they jump on the slightest chance to explain something to me is truly astounding and heartwarming. They truly hold pride in their heritage! I have seen firsthand the power of collaboration.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my service in Rwanda has been witnessing how young people are embracing opportunities for economic empowerment. Much like in Uganda, I have supported youth in small business initiatives, helping them see that self-reliance is possible through innovation and resilience. The lessons from my past service have been invaluable, but this journey has also given me new perspectives on adaptability and sustainable impact.

So, to answer my question, “why am I doing this again?” Because transformation is never a one-time event. It is a continuous process of learning growing, and serving. Every experience whether in Uganda or Rwanda has reinforced my commitment to community-led development.

As I continue on this journey, I am reminded that the question is nolonger “Why am I doing this again?” It is “How can I keep doing this better?”


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