The Thunderous Power of Lightning

Animal grazing is a norm among youths and the elderly here in my community. On a normal animal grazing day, some elders excited and laughing in the fields, and the air was thick with the sweet scent of grass experienced a shock when nature struck. Suddenly, the skies darkened, and the rains started falling heavily and in the blink of an eye a wild storm erupted unleashing nature’s fury. During this tumultuous weather, a shocking event unfolded where 8 goats belonging to a local farmer were tragically struck down by a powerful bolt of lightning. This startling incident served as a stark reminder of the awe-inspiring, yet fearsome power of nature.

As lightning is often one of the least understood elements of a storm, and yet it is one of the most stunning displays of nature’s might. In my community I was told that annually, a number of people and animals fall victim to its unpredictable strikes. In the blink of an eye, a simple thunderstorm can escalate into a devastating event, reminding us that we are at the mercy of nature.

Worried in my house as I personally don’t like lightning, I quickly went on google to start searching on the scientific facts about natural lightning. Google gave me information stating  the science behind lightning is as fascinating as it is complex. Lightning is naturally caused by the buildup of electrical charges in storm clouds. When the difference in charge between the clouds and the earth becomes too great, a discharge occurs in the form of lightning. Deep in my thoughts I started questioning the societal perspective on lightning, Who discovered the scientific difference from the existing science and made us believe that lightning can be created just to cause harm to friends or relatives? Oh yes! That took me back to my childhood experience where I witnessed the power of nature when lightning struck our dear friend to death. But how is the heat in the clouds create a dramatic expansion of air, generating the thunder we hear milliseconds later, is that not magic? This indeed is a symphony of natural chaos.

Thought of the damage caused by this lightning? Your thought is much as mine specifically when I thought of the local farmer affected by the loss of the eight goats in my village. Honestly, the event was more than just a scientific wonder rather a reflection of how harsh nature can pay us back. The goats as an investment, were abruptly taken from their pastoral home leaving the investor devastated. The suddenness of this loss serves as a gentle reminder that nature, while beautiful, can be ruthlessly indifferent. Let’s be careful!

Interestingly, my host father wondered and quickly posed a question to me saying, what could have been done to prevent such an occurrence?. Lost in the valley of wonder and surprise I told him nature is unpredictable unfortunately. However, there are important steps that individuals and communities can take to mitigate the risks associated with lightning strikes.




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