• Volunteer Stories

The Journey That Mattered

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Mr. Promise Trust Chiwalo

“It is good to have a destination, but it is the journey that matters in the end.” – Ursula K. Le Guin

I embarked on a four-week journey (pre-service training) with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Quite a juxta positional but this is the best description of how I felt. I was excited because it was a journey towards something that I am passionate about, namely sustainable community development. I was also anxious because it entailed that I would live a different life after this journey; far from everyone and everything I have ever known.

Upon arriving at my journey’s destination (my site) I discovered something of great importance, there was more to this journey than the destination; the journey itself was worthwhile. Reflecting on the past four weeks led me to the realization of three things about the journey. Firstly, the journey had enhanced my passion for sustainable community development. More than that it had helped me to understand my ultimate role in community development as a catalyst and my approach to development was redefined. Secondly, the journey gave me an opportunity to meet and learn from new people (my trainers and fellow trainees). The four weeks were weeks of sharing valuable experiences, building friendships and connections. Lastly, through the Human-Centered Design and Asset-Based Community Development training, the journey equipped me with the essential knowledge and tools that will not only help me serve better as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer but will also enhance my career path.

I am glad that I have arrived at my journey’s destination but I am very convinced that the journey would still be worth taking even if it was void of its destination. This journey was both significant and memorable.


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