• Volunteer Stories

The Impact is Great. We See it. Our People See it.

Written by CorpsAfrica/Rwanda Volunteer Ms. Cecile Niyimenya (Western Province, Ngororero District)

At the beginning of the coronavirus, the community was not ready to follow the government instructions generally due to the lack of information about the pandemic magnitude, but from the time CorpsAfrica Volunteers started working hand-in-hand with the local leaders, things changed for the good. We mobilized all the community members and shared government guidelines that should be followed in order to protect themselves from the virus. They started to follow some of the guidelines little by little and kept their ears next to radios for announcements and news about corona. The community now knows and understands that things are serious. I feel proud to have been part of this.

Seeing community members mobilized and abiding by the guidelines brings so much satisfaction that money cannot bring. Very grateful to CorpsAfrica for providing us with washing tools that are now being used by our communities. They wash their hands frequently with soap, they are now doing social distancing and avoid handshakes, just to name a few. I and my colleagues have positively impacted the community members by calling and reminding them to follow the guidelines if they want to see this pandemic end in our country. I feel proud and useful. Thank you OCP. Thank you CorpsAfrica. We are on the road to beating this up and together, we shall.

The “Tippy-tap” washing tools being used to wash hands without touching the water tap were placed at the entrance of the market where a lot of people pass. There is an official near the entrance reminding people to first clean their hands before entering the market. The population where I serve is so happy to see that CorpsAfrica didn’t leave the sites during the trying times. Being young, they thought we would run away to be with our families. We told them, that they are our family for this year of service and that nothing will take us away from them. Us staying with them made them love and trust us even more. It has also nurtured a good collaboration with local leaders as they very much appreciated our helping hands.

There is no doubt our vision and mission is a noble cause. Our little acts of selflessness play a major role in saving thousands of people. This is something I will definitely continue to do my entire life. The respect and love we receive in return is unmeasurable. The recognition we get from the local is also another big motivation. It drives me and my colleagues to do even more actions of kindness.  Because the impact is great. We see it. Our people see it.  I am always ready to give my all so that my community stay safe and healthy. That a picture of us at the entrance of the Birembo market, close to the washing tool donated by CorpsAfrica.


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