• Volunteer Stories

The Beauty in Volunteering

We often look at Volunteering with CorpsAfrica/Malawi from just a professional sense when it unveils a hidden treasure of natural beauty and serenity often not experienced in the cities we hail from. Stepping into my site, I was stunned by the picturesque landscapes that unfolded before me, a calm community amidst rolling hills and breathtaking scenery that whispered promises of adventure and exploration.

In comparison to the concrete jungles, where we typically reside, here, nature reigns supreme, weaving its magic through every blade of grass, animals of the wild, and rustling leaves. It’s a reminder of the raw, untouched beauty that exists beyond the confines of urban living, a beauty that moves the soul and leaves a permanent mark on the heart.

Weekends take on a whole new meaning in this restful setting. No longer confined to the dullness of city life, each day presents an opportunity for discovery and adventure. Whether it’s a leisurely hike in the hills or simply basking in the peacefulness of nature.

Moreover, being a CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer isn’t just about the work, it’s about embracing a lifestyle that celebrates the beauty of simplicity and the richness of the community. It’s about forging connections with people and places and immersing oneself in the vibrant tapestry of local culture and tradition.

And the best part? It’s all part of the package; a free ticket to a ten-month vacation where the only currency required is an open heart and a willingness to embrace the journey. So, to all those who view volunteering as nothing more than a job, I urge you to look beyond the surface and discover the untold wonders that await a world of beauty, adventure, and endless possibilities.


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