• Volunteer Stories

Tharakanithi’s Sun and Hope: A CorpsAfrica Volunteer’s Journey

Volunteering with CorpsAfrica Kenya in Tharakanithi has been a whirlwind of adventure, laughter, nostalgia, and inspiring connections. Nestled in the Kathangachini location, Tharakanithi’s searing heat (30–37 °C) was a stark contrast to my cooler hometown (maximum 25°C). Within a month, the harsh sun rays had darkened my skin.

My work involves constant movement, reaching out to locals to teach skills that improve their lives. But the scorching mornings made it daunting. Witnessing the women, heads covered in “shukas,” barely flinching under the sun while I struggled with a simple hat, sparked an idea. Hats, I realized, could offer vital protection.

Another revelation came with the harsh reality of water scarcity. Tharakanithi’s dryness forces journeys for water, an alien concept for someone used to tap water. The first time I hefted a jerrycan, my shoulders screamed in protest. I couldn’t fathom how the women effortlessly made multiple trips and then returned to household chores. Slowly, though, I’m adapting.

But amidst the challenges, hope blooms. With my encouragement, the community has planted over 4,000 trees. These saplings represent a commitment to a greener future, where the next generation won’t face the same scorching climate or grueling water searches.

Through this experience, I’m not just learning new skills; I’m learning resilience, empathy, and the power of collective action. Tharakanithi may be sun-scorched, but the seeds of hope are taking root, one tree at a time.

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