• Volunteer Stories

Silver Lining

My community has been letting me down every step of the way. They make promises, then only a few hold up to them. When I started my project, I thought it would be different. As in the doubting Thomases will now see the Canaan I was talking about was real. But no, the turn-up remained low by the day.

I have been very worried, especially since the preparation of the project land was to be done in-kind. I dreaded showing up to the project farm, for fear of finding a handful of people only. So I wasted time, pretending to be busy till midday. Then I had to eventually leave.

To my surprise, I found 20 strong men and women, fully dedicated and happy to see me.

Their faces were bright and promising washed on mine, and I don’t remember the last time I felt that I wasn’t alone. 

Considering how tight my community is, 22 people is a lot.

I am learning to accept disappointments. I am learning that everything doesn’t have to go smoothly, and am learning to pass through that without regrets and blame. My emotional intelligence is also put to the test, and how I make the best of a bad situation, and I am glad that I am not badly off. I am growing and learning. 

All in all, I am proud of myself for being a source of inspiration to my people, and building trust and promise in them.

I feel accomplished.


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