• Volunteer Stories

Reaping Big in Briquettes by Creating Sustainable Cooking Energy

My name is Magombe Muzamiru a CorpsAfrica/Uganda Volunteer stationed in Buleega village in Buikwe district. My volunteering journey started from Pre-service Training to the time of deployment in our communities. In my pre-service Training, I had a great experience meeting new friends, and learning new things from the CorpsAfrica staff, while sharing life. Through various games and gatherings, I bonded with my teammates gaining psychological safety.

I was among the first team to reach the deployment site in the Buikwe district. I was a little nervous about meeting new people for the first time. 

I was deployed in Buleega Village with an estimated population of over 1,000 people depending on agriculture for livelihood. The youth make the highest percentage.

In this community, women are most entrepreneurial and engaged in selling agricultural produce and food. During my community meetings, I meet Annette a businesswoman selling porridge, and other food staff. She informed me that one of her biggest challenges was the rising prices of charcoal which increased her cost of production yet not the profit. She informed me that they didn’t have access to enough firewood due to massive deforestation in their community.

Through a series of conversations with the community, Annette led the formation of a group of ten women where we brainstormed the idea of making briquettes as an energy alternative. We further discussed that briquettes could provide income, protect the environment, and improve public health. Using Asset-Based Community Development, we identified materials that we would use in the process, and all these were locally available. 

“Before, I used to spend ten thousand Ugandan shillings on charcoal per week in business. Now I spend only four thousand shillings on briquettes, and I can save six thousand shillings. I feel so proud to be part of a life-changing initiative not only for me but for my community as well. I have plans to diversify my business into briquette making too so that I can tap into the growing marketing while contributing positively to the conservation of our environment.” Annette, businesswoman.

“Using briquettes, it is now easier for me to prepare meals compared to before when I used firewood. This gives me more time to work outside my home and participate in leadership activities in my community.” Jane community leader.

“Before, I used to spend ten thousand Ugandan shillings on charcoal per week in business. Now I spend only four thousand shillings on briquettes, and I can save six thousand shillings. I feel so proud to be part of a life-changing initiative not only for me but for my community as well. I have plans to diversify my business into briquette making too so that I can tap into the growing marketing while contributing positively to the conservation of our environment.” Annette, businesswoman.

“Using briquettes, it is now easier for me to prepare meals compared to before when I used firewood. This gives me more time to work outside my home and participate in leadership activities in my community.” Jane community leader.

The success of my first briquettes project in the village has motivated me to engage my community members to come up with more innovations. My gratitude goes to CorpsAfrica for this golden opportunity to grow with my community.

Compiled by

Muzamiru Magombe

Buleega village, Buikwe district


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