• Volunteer Stories

Plan Today to Plan Tomorrow

“Failure to plan is planning to fail”

It is a cliche phrase to utter but it carries a lot within it. As a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, I have learned so much about planning as a skill and daily routine. It has been five months of daily planning of activities at my site which is vital to any aspect of conducting community work.

After five months of volunteerism, I can attest that planning is a prerequisite for success in any field of work. From identifying activities to gathering resources to scheduling activity days and finally execution, there is a lot of discipline required.

Delving into my primary project, however challenging it may be, I have had to master planning skills. I have learned that planning comes along with listening to the community’s voice and adjusting to the community schedule while at the same time following timelines. Organizational planning is a soft skill that determines the success of your work today or tomorrow.


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