• Volunteer Stories

Olive’s First Two Weeks as a CorpsAfrica/Senegal Volunteer

Upon my arrival in the community, I was welcomed by my host family.

After that in the first week, I did different activities with the support of my host family. My host mother accompanied me to visit house by house and we went to visit an agricultural field where they cultivate onions, bisap, Cassava, beans, and other vegetables for eating and sale. I also had the opportunity to visit her groundnut farm. And my host sister took me to visit one of the schools nearby. I also attended the meeting in Madina and the attendance was 16. Women were 15 and one man. 

The second week proved to be quite stimulating and productive, and I’m integrating gradually. I was taken to the commune by my host father. 

I attended the meeting and there were 26 people present for the meeting at Fadial. There were 3 men and 23 women. The subject of discussion was getting ready for the project’s launch. I went to the hospital this week for an eye condition. Since the village chief is ill and not present in the community, I’m still waiting for him. Meeting different challenges doesn’t discourage me but gives me the power to learn more from them and adapt to every situation.


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