• Volunteer Stories

Now That I Have Served

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Ms. Dorothy Mapira

I could write a million words but they will all tell the same story of how grateful I am for the opportunity to serve as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer. Time has always been a great teller of all the things done. It’s crazy how the world has viewed women as being weak, passive, and so on. However, this stereotyped kind of thinking has been proven wrong as I have seen women demonstrating that they have the capacity to bring change. That women are like everyone else and if given a chance to perform, they can do wonders.

I am writing as a young lady who has been inspired and greatly impacted by the efforts of fellow women in changing the plight of our rural communities. They nurtured their dreams so well that it became a reality. For so long, people have despised the spirit of volunteerism, but it is through this that I, together with my fellow volunteers, have managed to reach out to the most desolate communities of our country. It has been a dream come true for me as it has revived a leader in me.

To be a part of CorpsAfrica’s dream is not only a great opportunity for me but also a turning point in my life. Many times, I had dreamt of becoming a change maker in my country but I did not have the capacity to do so. Through CorpsAfrica, I found a platform where my dream has become a reality. I have had the chance to acquire skills and use them during my service. Truth be told, these skills were not just essential to me during my service, but it’s a gift that I will carry with me wherever I go and no one will take it away from me.

My service has been so impactful, my time in the community was not only about facilitating the implementation of projects but also creating friendships and partnerships. I have shared smiles with people, and believe you me, these smiles would not have been shared if the needs of my community were not addressed.

During the time in my community, I have been able to implement projects that have addressed some of the basic needs of my community. It has not been an easy journey but it was worth it. I will live to remember the work done and the impacts made. The photos shared serve as evidence of the change made in my community.


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