• Volunteer Stories

Living In a New Place

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Mr. Chris Kaudzu

The thought of moving away from home into a new place and having to meet new people made me nervous. The idea of meeting new people in itself can be nerve-racking, but on top of that, I didn’t know what to expect from my new community. The fear and thought of how they would welcome me, how I would fit in, and where I would start, kept running through my mind. Leaving my comfort zone and living in a different environment, amongst people I didn’t know left me worried and with anxiety.

All these thoughts and fears were put at ease with the amazing way my new community welcomed me. It was easy to interact with them, and the anxiousness vanished when I started talking and engaging more and more with the people who stayed there.  This was not my expectation, but it worked out very well. The more interactions I made the more I felt like I understood my community and its members.

The first few days were amazing. Most people had expected me to be a white person, so they were a bit surprised to see that I was Malawian, but I used this expectation they had to get to know them better.

Since the day I got here, each day has been an adventure and an opportunity for me to grow with the community. I have met people who are eager for development and this reminds me of my role as a catalyst. I want to foster self-discovery among community members so they can bring about change. It is my duty to see my community develop to its full potential, and I know that this is just the beginning of something great. There is always room for development.

One of my favorite quotes for development is: “There is immense power when a group of people of similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.” –Idowu Koyenikan


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