• Volunteer Stories

Let’s Throw It Back

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Mr. Peter Mndalasini

It has been almost three months since I started serving as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer in Kasungu District in the central region of Malawi. How time flies because it just feels like yesterday when I started my volunteering service. It has been an awesome journey with challenges but let me talk about how my journey started before joining CorpsAfrica as a Volunteer.

I remember quite well it was on 8 July 2018 when I came across a CorpsAfrica post on its official Facebook page. The post was about calling upon ambitious young men and women to serve as CorpsAfrica Volunteers. I was so excited when I saw this post since it was my passion to serve as a Volunteer with CorpsAfrica. Around 9 in the evening, I submitted my application. After about three weeks I received a phone call from CorpsAfrica office calling me for the interviews at their office in Lilongwe. I was excited and at the same time I was afraid. I asked myself, “what if I am not going to pass the interview?” I started preparing for the interviews by practicing common interview questions and did some research on the internet about CorpsAfrica.
I went to the interview with confidence and well prepared. I answered all the questions with confidence and went back home and waited for results. After three months I received an email from CorpsAfrica congratulating me for passing the interview. I was so excited and filled with joy after receiving the email since my wishes were fulfilled. My family members were also happy for me, since they knew how much I wanted to serve as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer. A week after receiving this email I received another one informing me about the Pre-Service Training.  I went to the training where I met my fellow ambitious young men and women. It was a one-month intensive training, two weeks at the CorpsAfrica office and the remaining two weeks at Dedza College of Forestry.

After the training I went back home and waited for the training results. Lucky enough I received an email informing me that I have passed the training. The following week it was a Swearing-In Ceremony at Crossroads hotel. It was a beautiful ceremony and I was very happy since I was officially a CorpsAfrica Volunteer. Three days later, I packed my stuff and went to my designated site in Kasungu District.


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