Journey to Becoming a CorpsAfrica Volunteer

Some decisions are worth taking, even if they seem confusing at first. Experiencing reality often provides the clarity needed to truly understand what to do.

On August 11th, I embarked on my journey to Amakuza Resort for Pre-Service Training (PST). Preparing for the 45-day stay was no small task, as packing everything I thought I might need was overwhelming. However, PST turned out to be a transformative experience—a place to learn, share ideas, and adopt new perspectives on life. It was a truly enriching time. I appreciated how well each day was structured, and by the end of each day, I found joy in extracurricular activities like dancing. The training also emphasized the importance of time management for delivering messages effectively and ensuring individuals could grasp the key points.

After completing the training sessions, we attended the Swearing-In Ceremony, where each of us officially became a Volunteer. I was nervous, questioning whether I was ready to serve, but I reminded myself to embrace the challenge. On the evening of September 26th, I took the oath and became an official CorpsAfrica Volunteer as part of Rwanda’s Cohort 6.

The following morning, saying goodbye to the friends I had made during PST was bittersweet. Yet, remembering the purpose behind our deployment to our sites was deeply motivating. We encouraged one another to work diligently for the betterment of individuals’ health and livelihoods.

Meeting the host families who welcomed us for our initial two weeks was a heartwarming experience. They embraced us like their own children, creating a sense of home. My host father even took me on tours around the village, helping me learn more about the community—a memory I will always cherish.

Transitioning from being a stranger to becoming part of the community has been an incredible journey. The bond I’m forming with the people as I serve them grows stronger each day. The CorpsAfrica approach has been instrumental in helping me integrate effectively into the community. As this journey begins, I am eager to apply the lessons from PST and work alongside the community to achieve meaningful progress together.



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