• Volunteer Stories


Let me let you in on a story that has made me smile this month.

A solar light giving birth to a chicken? A real hen? Crazy right?

Well, let me tell you it is possible. I am a witness to that. And all this has been made possible by Watts of Love solar lights.  Two months ago, some of my community members got the Watts of Love solar lights to not only illuminate their households but also to light up their lives to create a better future.

When I say a solar light giving birth to a hen it is not quite literal, this has been made possible by the fact that the beneficiaries of the solar light were people who did not have electricity or present solar lighting in their homes therefore forced to use firewood, candles, tiny lamps we call ‘kanyitera’ or even the moon as the source of light at night.

Small but mighty, as we call the Watts of Love solar lights in the Thinyaine location, Meru County have had a tremendous effect on the lives of the beneficiaries.

During distribution the beneficiaries were all in agreement that the solar light would have a positive impact on the following aspects of their day-to-day lives; Savings and investments, Health improvement, Academic improvement, and a sense of security at home.

So, one day as I took a stroll in the village one of the beneficiaries, Grace Kaloki, was calling my name and invited me to her home. After having a small chat with her, she went into her house and came out with three eggs and she told me to go and eat them and gain more energy as I continue to serve the community. She informed me that the eggs resulted from a hen she had bought one month after getting the Watts of Love solar light. The money she had been using to buy kerosene for her lamp had now been saved, enabling her to buy a hen. This was very encouraging. 

I was so excited that I came directly to write this blog. Indeed, Watts of Love Inawezekana. And this is just the start.


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