• Volunteer Stories

In the Zone

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Mr. Chris Kaudzu

With the hype from the Grassroots Soccer (GRS) Camp I held in my community, the youth got together to form a community youth club. The club is something they have wanted to have for a long time. Some of the youth used to walk long distances to other youth clubs, but they now have one within their community. I see great things coming from this club. Some of the things they have planned to do are dramas, sports, and open-air events. They plan to go to other communities and share what they have learned through GRS.

The GRS Camp has brought a lot of change to my community. Since the camp, the chief has said the program has had a great impact on the youth. They have learned new things that have challenged them to live positive and productive lives. Some of the knowledge gained is being shared with friends and family through informal interactions.

The reactions from the youth after GRS have been amazing.  One youth said, “I learned new things about how to make positive life choices and stay safe. I was empowered to make lifestyle changes.”

A member of the community, Selevas, said, “The issues tackled at the camp are things happening in my community and this camp challenged the youth to live different lives than before.”

“This weekend we hope to meet and learn more from our coaches and friends too.” said Twaibu.

And finally, a student told me, “We meet to have fun and explore the possibilities we have as youth to change this community. We are in the zone to transform our community.”


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