Conversational Curiosity

One of my favorite experiences during my first month in the community was chatting with curious kids. When they learned I was from Kenya, they asked if I had taken a bus to get there! It made me laugh, but it also reminded me how young they were and how vast the world must seem to them.

I explained that Kenya and Ghana are quite far apart and shared a bit about air travel, which amazed them even more. This conversation turned into a golden opportunity—not only to share some geography but also to explain why I came all the way to Ghana—not just for work, but to volunteer.

As I explained the purpose of my journey, their eyes suddenly lit up. I shared with them the work I do and explained how volunteering is about sharing skills and working together to strengthen communities. I emphasized that volunteering isn’t just about “helping” in the traditional sense; it’s also about learning, exchanging ideas, and forming friendships across borders. They asked me so many questions about what it means to help others and how they, too, could become Volunteers.

It was incredibly inspiring to see their growing interest! We talked about how small acts of kindness and teamwork can bring about big changes, even within their own community. It reminded me of how volunteering plants seeds of ambition, empathy, and responsibility in young minds.

That simple exchange showed me the power of conversations: sometimes, all it takes is an innocent question from a child to reinforce the importance of sharing experiences and inspiring a generation—no matter where they are.



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