• Volunteer Stories

Collaborate, Collaborate & Collaborate

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Ms. Khwima Nyirenda

There is an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, walk together.” As a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, being resourceful is key to a successful service. Since my last blog, I have worked on a few exciting projects, but none of them would have been nearly as fun and successful without collaborations.

In early April, Chancy, Hope, and I implemented two Grassroots Soccer (GRS) camps in Mzimba. The GRS camps were implemented with the purpose of teaching youth between the ages of 10 to 19 years old about HIV/AIDS prevention with the ultimate goal of stopping the spread of HIV. The camps were very successful; 128 children and young adults graduated and are certified to stop the spread in their communities. This wouldn’t have been as easy and fun if we didn’t work as a team and collaborate with Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) Kelvin Jensen who is amazing at GRS!

A few days ago Fiona Rowles, a Mzimba PCV, and I also started a Go Girls club at the primary school here in Mzimba. We have 16 girls in the age range of 11-19 years currently in the club. We are teaching about female empowerment, HIV/AIDS prevention, and sexual and reproductive health rights. We also implemented a GRS camp for Malaria at the same school and around the community!

With these collaborations (and many more in the near future) volunteering in my community has become so much easier than before. Besides making real impacts in my community, I also have learned new and better ways to serve my community from my partners.


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