• Volunteer Stories

Breaking the Chains of Poverty: How Mindset Shapes Community-Led Development

Extreme poverty is not only about the absence of resources. It’s a mental trap that reinforces the cycle of deprivation. While many development programs focus on providing aid or infrastructure, they often overlook the internal barriers that prevent people from lifting themselves out of poverty. Changing this mindset is essential for sustainable and effective community-led development. Over the past four months, as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer in the Gasave community of Ngororero District, I have witnessed firsthand how deeply entrenched beliefs and attitudes contribute to extreme poverty. Using the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach, I’ve worked to understand not just the external challenges people face but also the mental barriers that keep them trapped in cycles of dependence.

When I first arrived in Gasave, I encountered a community struggling with poverty but spending significant amounts on alcohol and cigarettes. This puzzled me. How could people cry poverty while consistently affording non-essential expenses? I began to dig deeper, asking questions and speaking with community elders to understand the root causes. I discovered that a portion of the population had once worked in nearby mines, earning steady incomes and adopting expensive lifestyles without saving for the future. When the mines closed, they found themselves jobless, unprepared, and unable to sustain their previous way of living. Another group had received financial aid of 800,000 Rwandan francs through a program intended to alleviate poverty. However, without a practical plan for managing the money, many quickly squandered it on luxury items and indulgent habits, believing more aid would soon follow. Lastly, some had simply resigned themselves to poverty. They viewed a better life as impossible, having grown accustomed to a narrative of limitation and hopelessness.

 It became clear to me that before addressing their material needs, the community needed a shift in mindset. Through one-on-one conversations, I began to challenge their perspectives. I shared that poverty is not a permanent state but a shared human experience no one has everything, and everyone has something to offer. I encouraged them to look at what they already had and how they could use it to achieve what they needed.

At first, some thought I was bringing money, but I clarified that the focus was on building capacity rather than dependency. After about a month of discussions, we agreed on a simple plan: each person would save 500 Rwandan francs weekly, pooling their resources to start a vegetable garden. This small initiative became transformative. Within weeks, they had planted and cultivated vegetables. When the first harvest came, some of the produce was taken home to address malnutrition, while the rest was sold to generate income. The success of this project gave the community hope and sparked conversations about expanding into larger ventures, like growing fruits and vegetables on a bigger scale. These changes were not just about the vegetables they were about belief. When people saw that they could come together, save, and create something tangible, their mindsets began to shift. They started to see themselves as capable agents of change rather than passive recipients of aid.

The ABCD approach emphasizes utilizing existing assets skills, resources, and networks to address challenges. It transforms dependency into self-reliance. Celebrating small victories and encouraging shared success, builds the confidence communities need to tackle bigger challenges.

To truly break the chains of poverty, we must go beyond providing resources. We need to address the mindsets that keep people trapped. Real change happens when communities believe in their potential and take charge of their futures. By fostering agency, confidence, and collaboration, we can unlock the untapped potential that exists in every individual and community. The journey I’ve witnessed in Gasave is proof that with the right mindset, transformation is not only possible it’s inevitable.

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