• Volunteer Stories

Be The Change

Written by CorpsAfrica/Malawi Volunteer Ms. Isabel Mandiwa

I have always had an interest, a longing, to help others, make a difference, and see the difference in someone’s life. While giving a sandwich or change to that homeless kid outside a supermarket is still something, I just felt it wasn’t enough.

One day I decided to do something about it and so I looked up volunteer jobs on the internet. Fortunately, I came across CorpsAfrica, an organization that recruits locals to serve in their own country for 12 months in the most remote areas to participate in development.

Hi, my name is Isabel Mandiwa and I am a CorpsAfrica Volunteer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am in a village called Kadyalunda in Balaka, in the southern part of Malawi.  It is 4 kms away from the main road and 15 kms from Balaka town. I live in a two bedroom house, with a store room and sitting room included. My kitchen and bathroom are outside just behind my house. The village does not have electricity or running water yet. Fortunately, we have a borehole for water just a few minutes away from my house at the school I am teaching. My community has one 1 block for students in standard 1&2 classes and I volunteer as a teacher in English, math, plus music (yes I know a few songs).

My neighbors who are also my host family have six kids, three of which are with relatives continuing their studies in town and the other three are here. They are Christopher, 24, Abigail, 15, and Loshan,13. Abigail (a student in standard 8) and Loshan (in standard 7) live with me and share the spare room. I am currently tutoring them in English, Mathematics, and Primary Science.

​I am happy to be part of this community that welcomed me really well from the day I arrived here on 27th February, 2016. I would be lying if I said everything is perfect here; there’s so much to be done to improve it economically, socially, and intellectually. The good part is they want change too and they are willing and ready to make the change and that’s a good place to start.


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