• Volunteer Stories

Allowing Me to Live Out My Adult Dreams While Giving Joy To My Inner Child

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to have a pet growing up, but it was not practical due to unavoidable circumstances. When I embarked on this journey with CorpsAfrica, I knew the perks would be that I would get to do the work that gives me purpose and that I enjoy, which is serving people; I would get to experience a new environment; and I would get the break from the city life that I desperately desired, embracing the rural life, but having a companion best known as a man’s best friend was not on the list. 

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to my pet dog, Tiera. Tiera was a gift to my host family. When I saw her, it was love at first sight—for the both of us, I would like to think. I fed her, and when I took her to my room for the night to sleep, that is how our companionship began. 

She eats what I eat, and so far, leading to the discovery that we both have an affinity for milk and pancakes, she chews on all my shoes but gets away with it because who could be mad at all that cuteness, and she follows me everywhere-

I often trick her with a snack, and when distracted, I make my escape because otherwise, she will follow me to my meetings. and my doorstep is her default spot. I am pretty sure this was not the counterpart our training officer Michael was talking about, but who is complaining? Being away from your friends, family, and all that is familiar gets lonely; having Tiera has tremendously filled that void for me. 

This experience has made my dream of having a pet come true, healing me and filling my inner child with a lot of joy. For anyone out there who may think that their dreams have been passed by time, I want to tell you that there is no statute of limitations on dreams. If I can finally get to have a pet twenty years later, you can also see through what you have always envisioned for yourself.  

CorpsAfrica continues to prove that it is one of the best experiences of my life and a gift that just keeps on giving. 


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