5 - Gender Equality

The mini fish farm project has long been a need for the community of Ndombo....
The project aims to train community members about sewing (tailoring) and making some handcrafts-based products, the main purpose of the project…...
Magret conducted a series of meetings and needs assessments with a community group called the Upile Club....
Through a needs assessment, the community of Mpalale chose to renovate their secondary school classroom block....
When Maodo arrived in Yamoussa in January 2020, he organized meetings with the community....
In 2020, Sibere Koyo had no markets and no basic social structures (health huts, health posts, etc.)....
After receiving (HCD) and (ABCD) lessons and 6 weeks of discussion with the volunteer, the community decided to create…...
As the community has patriarchal land practices and a heavy reliance on agriculture, Chiukepo found that the community's women…...
The members of the Kachidankho group already were in the business of soap-making but were not finding......
Billy and the community established that there was a need for economically disadvantaged women to be able......