4 - Quality Education

More than 60% of children aged 3 to 5 in Vota and Kathelembo endure long walks ranging…...
The project was designed to address the multifaceted challenges faced by Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)......
The project aims to train community members about sewing (tailoring) and making some handcrafts-based products, the main purpose of the project…...
Through a needs assessment, the community of Mpalale chose to renovate their secondary school classroom block....
In 2020, Sibere Koyo had no markets and no basic social structures (health huts, health posts, etc.)....
The community’s goal was to establish a project that would help them increase agricultural productivity, decrease…...
Utilizing Design Thinking, Asset-based Community Development, and Human-centered Design training, Alexandre organized…...
The members of the Kachidankho group already were in the business of soap-making but were not finding......
The community knew that they were facing a problem with their crop output....
Vocational Skills Training such as soap-making, tie-dye making, pomade making, weaving, sewing, etc......