Upon my arrival in the community, I was welcomed by my host family. After that in the first week, I did different activities with...
Le 29 Octobre j’ai été déployée en tant que Volontaire de CorpsAfrica /Sénégal dans un village nommé Keur Mamour Seck et ceci pour un...
As I stepped out of my house in Malawi with my heavy luggage and muffled my footsteps into the car and took my seat....
My Journey Begins… Being nicknamed “Owenva” to a “Hero” is one of the marks of my CorpsAfrica service in Buleega Village, Uganda. The journey...
As I stepped out of the towering beautiful building with my heavy luggage and muffled my footsteps into the car and took my seat....
My transformation in the Kinoni community has been very significant to me. I have rich experiences engaging in community work and implementing various initiatives....
Nutrition has always been a passion of mine. As a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, I got the opportunity to facilitate the family-led MUAC (Mid-Upper Arm Circumference)...
During my time in the Kpale-Ga community as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer, I experienced firsthand the transformative power of conversation. Engaging with the community through...
Having gone through the integration and project identification phases, we are currently implementing my community’s primary project. As I look back and reflect on...