In the heart of a verdure valley lies a rural community that flourishes on simplicity and strong relationships. The lush fields ripple like a...
There is a certain comfort that comes with familiarity. Having served as a CorpsAfrica Volunteer in my home country, Ghana, I thought I had...
Not a single day had I ever imagined being called Mwalimu. Perhaps it’s because of the roles I’ve played in my community so far,...
One of the hardest humility pills I had to swallow was recognizing that not everyone would immediately embrace you or your ideas. In communities,...
It was a Sunday evening, and I had just wrapped up my daily activities within the community. The day hadn’t gone as planned—it was...
From the moment I arrived in Ghana, it was the smiles that stood out to me. Genuine, warm, and ever-present, they greeted me like...
Preparing for the Community Asset Mapping Day in Eregi was both a challenging and rewarding experience for me. Mobilizing the community required clear communication,...
Reflecting on my transformative journey with CorpsAfrica, the past two and a half months since my deployment have been marked by significant milestones, deep...
Community asset mapping has to be the magical key to unlocking the potential of a community and turning it into a reality. I realized...
Driven by the desire to serve his country through community development, he stepped out of his comfort zone to learn and grow in the...