CorpsAfrica Silver

CorpsAfrica strongly advocates for using technology to reduce disparities and drive innovation, especially in rural areas that often lack access to these resources. Our Silver projects embody this belief by offering IT and tech training to rural communities, aiming to diminish the digital divide between urban and rural areas. Through collaborations and community-driven initiatives, we strive to boost social innovation and economic growth, empowering individuals to succeed in the digital era.


Silver Projects Spotlight

Volunteers used interactive learning methods to train children and adolescents to use computers to bridge the digital divide. They also played up the value of information and communication technologies through community radios to raise awareness of local problems and issue a call to action. Strategic partnerships helped out to develop mobile transfer services accelerate the access to digital financial services in remote areas.

Computer Lab

CorpsAfrica/Ghana Volunteer Bamba facilitated a Computer Lab project for digital inclusion.

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CorpsAfrica addresses two of Africa’s most difficult challenges: creating opportunities for youth and helping rural communities overcome extreme poverty and build resilience. We recruit motivated volunteers to live and work in remote, low-income areas in their own countries. They collaborate with the community to design and implement small-scale projects that address their top priorities and by doing so gain the skills and experience that lay the foundation for personal and professional success.

CorpsAfrica trusts youth and rural communities to help each other.