Sector-Specific Initiatives

CorpsAfrica’s Sector-Specific Initiatives (SSIs) tackle pressing issues by fostering collaborative action, centralizing development resources, and training the next generation of development practitioners. These initiatives convene a network of partners, leveraging their expertise alongside CorpsAfrica Volunteers. Additionally, CorpsAfrica seeks to position itself as a central hub for development resources, centralizing proven approaches and training materials. Special emphasis is placed on training Volunteers for a holistic, integrated approach to development. Through these focused goals, CorpsAfrica is dedicated to creating impactful and sustainable change in diverse communities.

Sector-Specific Initiatives are strategically designed to address critical challenges by uniting a network of partners, centralizing development resources, and nurturing the next generation of development practitioners. In the following sections, we delve into the specific goals of the SSIs, illustrating how CorpsAfrica is driving positive change through targeted, collaborative efforts and a commitment to building a sustainable future.


Facilitate Collaborative Action by Convening a Network of Partners

Collaborate with a robust network of development partners to foster collaborative efforts leveraging their expertise and resources in tandem with CorpsAfrica Volunteers.

Establish CorpsAfrica as a Central Hub for Development Resources

Centralize proven development approaches, training materials, and information with development partners, NGOs, and the global community.

Train for the Next Generation of Development Practitioners

Provide special training opportunities to Volunteers, emphasizing the integration of different technical perspectives into all projects and initiatives.

Explore the Initiatives

Support Our Work

CorpsAfrica addresses two of Africa’s most difficult challenges: creating opportunities for youth and helping rural communities overcome extreme poverty and build resilience. We recruit motivated volunteers to live and work in remote, low-income areas in their own countries. They collaborate with the community to design and implement small-scale projects that address their top priorities and by doing so gain the skills and experience that lay the foundation for personal and professional success.

CorpsAfrica trusts youth and rural communities to help each other.