This project was chosen through surveys and meetings that highlighted market gardening as the catalyst for development in Houdiabouss, a community within Diembéring. The women’s market garden of Houdiabouss began in 2000 but has fallen into a state of disrepair as the perimeter fence deteriorated. The garden is equipped with five wells, of which one has collapsed and one needs thorough repairs, and ten water basins whose well-connection pipes need to be overhauled. The garden also has two motor pumps, although neither are functional. As a result, women must draw water directly from wells that are between 10 and 12 meters deep. Additionally, most of the watering cans on site are in poor condition and do not facilitate good water distribution. A partnership with CPAS (Diembering Center for Agricultural and Social Promotion) previously gave the women a pathway to Club-Med, which was committed to buying most of their products. However, CPAS has since declared bankruptcy, leaving the women without guidance or a facilitator, threatening this vital relationship with Club-Med. Therefore, it was decided to set up a project to repair and equip the market garden of Houdiabousse, and to train the women in agricultural practices to reduce poverty by increasing women’s incomes. This in turn ensures financial independence that will improve their living conditions. To achieve these results, the project will include four main phases: the rehabilitation of fences and wells, the revitalization of equipment for agricultural productivity, the training of women in agricultural technology and practices, and the strengthening of product distribution channels. This project will initially directly affect the 80 women active in market gardening, but will have spillover effects to the whole community as incomes increase. Long-term success is ensured by the training the women receive and the use of their profits in further investment.