Magret conducted a series of meetings and needs assessments with a community group called the Upile Club. Together they sought to identify feasible business ventures that would improve the socioeconomic status and livelihoods of community members. The major goal that the community decided to focus on was creating a reliable source of income for the women in the group and their relatives. After numerous meetings, the Upile group decided to begin soap making as their new business venture. In addition to receiving funding from CorpsAfrica, the Upile group also paid for materials such as buckets, cups, perfumes, and knives. Magret was able to schedule educational training for the group and the women of the Upile group were trained in full-scale production of soap, how to manage the finances of the building, and in leadership and group dynamics. When delays in the project occurred, Magret was empathetic and “embraced uncertainties,” while she also learned the value of patience when working with rural Malawian communities.