Running Water


Site: Village Marigha El Oulia


November 2018

- June 2019

Primary sector

project cost

95,170 MAD


People impacted

1200 Directly

800 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

In collaboration with CorpsAfrica, the Douar Association proposed a project that would increase access to groundwater and make power access more environmentally friendly and affordable. The community decided to install a solar water pump and conduct the needed construction for installation and pump usage (which included creating a well and repairing water channels and the road to the village). Before CorpsAfrica’s involvement, the association conducted a study demonstrating the community’s serious commitment to this project.

Originally, the Village Association thought that they had the money for their community contribution within their bank account; however, they quickly found that the money within their bank account was inaccessible because they had not yet renewed the executive committee of the association. Swiftly, they resolved this issue and contributed 25,000 MAD ($2,808.11 USD) for the purchase of solar panels in addition to building solar panel support bars.

With the installation of a solar-powered water pump completed, the association will no longer spend 3,500 MAD (6,000 MAD in the summer) on water bills for the community. These funds will be free for reallocation to other development projects, such as waste management, and building a children’s playground, and a library center. In the short term, this project provides a green solution to powering the water pump, and in the long term will create the opportunity for more projects that support education and health in the village. The Douar Association is permanently committed to supervising and ensuring the sustainability of this project.

Project Highlights

  • Collaboration with CorpsAfrica/Maroc to increase access to groundwater and improve the environmental and cost-efficiency of power access in the community.

  • Installation of a solar water pump system, including the digging of a well, repair of water channels, and road improvements, demonstrating the community's dedication.

  • Overcoming financial obstacles, the Village Association contributed 25,000 MAD ($2,808.11 USD) for solar panel purchase and support bars, ensuring project sustainability.

  • Reducing monthly water bills, freeing up funds (3,500 MAD, or 6,000 MAD in summer) for allocation to other community development projects, like waste management, a children's playground, and a library center, fostering long-term improvements in education and health while ensuring project sustainability.