Piggery Farming


Site: Gambiriro and Murambi Villages


May 2019

- July 2019

Primary sector

project cost

5,950,000 FRW


People impacted

470 Directly

320 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

In meetings with CorpsAfrica Volunteer Donatien Murego, community groups voiced that the yield of their main crops, wheat and sweet potatoes, had been decreasing due infertile soil. In order to address this issue, members of the community visited each family door to door, to discuss the problem and gain input on potential solutions. They then came together for four more meetings to discuss which project idea would best fit the issues they sought to tackle.

Ultimately, it was decided to implement a pig rearing project. This project was chosen because pigs produce large quantities of manure and can survive off of a wide range of food, including garbage, making them cheap and easy to care for. Their manure can be used to fertilize soil, which would increase crop yields and reduce malnutrition. The community would also have the opportunity to sell piglets, which is amplified by the fact that pigs reproduce quicker than most animals. This would create an annual income of about 180,000 FRW for each household. To put the pig rearing project into action, the community began purchasing pigs and building the pigsties, for which they contributed materials and labor. They also employed veterinary consultants to keep the pigs healthy and rid them of any disease. The community is now able to use pig manure to fertilize their crops. They also save money from the sale of piglets, which they keep in newly opened bank accounts, creating more financial stability in the future.

Project Highlights

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