Minyalala Green Project


Site: Minyalala Village/Muumandu Location, Machakos County


August 2023

- October 2023

project cost

KES 640,890


People impacted

430 Directly

1,398 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

In Minyalala village, climate change has devastated once-fertile soil, impacting the 9,000-strong community’s ability to grow food and earn income. Malamaine Badiane, a Senegalese Exchange Volunteer in Kenya, led the Minyalala Green project, aimed at tackling these challenges within his community during his one year of service. The project includes establishing a fruit tree nursery for apple, mango, yellow passion fruit, and pawpaw trees, training farmers in sustainable land management, and constructing a check dam to manage water resources.

Project Highlights

  • The community contributed KES 185,650 in cash and kind towards the project.

  • The tree nursery has 310 ready avocado seedlings, 2,000 avocado seeds have been planted and the community is targeting 8,000 tree seedlings by the end of 2024.

  • Constructed a check dam benefitting 9,000 people and reduced the distance of accessing water from 3 km to 0.5m.

  • The community has ventured into chicken farming from the proceeds of tree seedling sale.

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