Under-Five Clinic Construction in Sukayakwe


Site: Majaliro, Ntonya Community


May 2023

- July 2023

Primary sector

project cost

Mk 3,559,732


People impacted

627 Directly

333 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

The Renovation of Sukayakwe Under 5 Clinic project successfully transformed an abandoned clinic in Ntonya community, Mulanje addressing the critical lack of medical under 5 clinic services. The clinic underwent extensive renovation, and numerous improvements were made to the clinic’s flooring, windows, doors, and roof, among other areas. With strong community support, this initiative was identified as a pressing need that the community has been facing. The project ensured the availability of a safe and conducive space to offer health services.

Project Highlights

  • Parents and caregivers stopped going for checkups because of long distances as a result most children became underweight.

  • The Health Surveillance Assistant from the community stopped offering service due to the state of the structure.

  • The facility will be offering services such as growth monitoring, immunisation, health education, and family planning services.

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