Construction of 40 Ventilated Improved Pit Latrines


Site: Kanfiehiyili


July 2023

- September 2023

project cost

GH₵ 112,720


People impacted

211 Directly

831 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

The project involves creating plans for new household toilet facilities with innovative designs that are more suitable, hygienic, and user-friendly, identifying suitable locations, sourcing materials and labor, and overseeing construction. The problem this project will address is the lack of access to safe and hygienic sanitation facilities which has led to the practice of open defecation in the community with detrimental effects such as contamination of water sources and spread of diseases. The results would be household ventilated pit latrines to improve sanitation by eliminating flies and smell, through air circulation, and also promote good hygiene practices in the community. It will also involve working with local leaders, health workers, and educators to raise awareness about the importance of sanitation and encourage people to use and maintain the toilets properly.

Project Highlights