Collection and Recycling of Household Waste in Bettenty


Site: Island of Bettenty, Toubacouta Municipality, Foundiougne District, Fatick Region


July 2018

- September 2018

project cost

37,366,000 XOF


People impacted

700 Directly

2,000 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

This project originated in an awareness campaign for hygiene and sanitation conducted by community leaders in Bettenty. Increasing awareness of unsanitary conditions and the subsequent public health danger was their main goal, however, awareness was not enough. The waste on the island had been managed through temporary solutions that reached their maximum capacity. Previously, waste has been dumped into dikes that became full. Waste was a challenge to remove as there was no system to deal with it. Creating a system was crucial so that ocean pollution and severe health issues could be minimized and avoided. The solution established was a household-level waste collection system and designated landfill and incineration location. Households were asked to engage financially with the program and, in return, receive trash and recyclable bins and monthly waste collection services. The community was able to fund parts of the project, but sought external funding for the equipment needed in order to accomplish their goals. The program became self-sustaining after the initial investment of equipment facilitated by CorpsAfrica because of the community based financing. Overall, the community was enthusiastic about this project as they had become aware that waste was causing illness throughout the community and that waste was having a tremendous negative impact on the environment. Avoiding an adverse impact on the environment and the ocean is crucial to maintaining the fishing industry that the island relies on. In the long term, the positive impact on the environment and on the health status of the community will become visible as a result of this sanitation project.

Project Highlights

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