Buwere Women Soap Making Initiative


Site: Buwere



- 2024

Primary sector

project cost

16,000,000 Ugx

($4,360 USD)

People impacted

50 Directly

200 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

Buwere Women Soap Making Initiative is a project aimed at diversifying incomes for Rural women in Buwere village, Mpigi district a predominantly agricultural community. The project empowers young mothers and women with skills to make bar soap for income while also promoting household hygiene. The women are equipped with knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship and business management. As women earn incomes, the local community also benefit through increased access to affordable, high quality soap, promoting the importance of hand washing with soap for good health and disease prevention in the short and long-term. To increase production, women need to construct a factory with better machinery. The increased production will boost profits and scaling up.

Project Highlights

  • Empowers women in Buwere village with soap-making skills to generate income.

  • Plans to construct a factory and improve machinery to scale production and boost profits.

  • Provides affordable, high-quality soap, encouraging hygiene and disease prevention.

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