Beef Cattle Fattening in Kajiado County


Site: Illasit, Kajiado County


June 2023

- August 2023

Primary sector

project cost

KES 698,750


People impacted

300 Directly

900 Indirectly

UN Sustainable Development goals

Project Overview

In the semi-arid region of Illasit, where rainfall is limited and unpredictable, the practice of crop farming has become exceedingly difficult. This challenge has resulted in high unemployment rates and a lack of stable income sources for the local residents. To address this pressing issue, Edward Maina, a dedicated Volunteer working in the area, facilitated a cattle fattening project from its conceptualization to its execution over the course of his year-long service. The project aims to empower the community by offering an alternative livelihood, thereby enhancing their economic prospects and fostering positive transformation within the region.

Project Highlights

  • The community contributed a total KES 200,000 in-kind and cash.

  • 17 bulls were purchased at an average of KES 20,000 during the dry season.

  • 15 bulls were sold after 6 months after thorough feeding at an average of KES 40,000 making a profit of KES 600,000.

  • They plan to venture into pig farming with the KES 600,000 gross income.

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