In response to the community’s need for improved infrastructure and economic opportunities, the people of Komenda Dominase undertook the construction of a 5-sided pavilion (80ft by 16ft) at their durbar ground. This site serves as the main venue for social events such as mass funerals (held every three months and known as “Omaneye”), weddings, festivals, and other community gatherings. However, the lack of adequate seating and shelter during these events had long been a challenge, leading to discomfort and early departures by attendees. The pavilion project was identified through human-centered design, community-led, and asset-based development approaches, utilizing the community’s uncompleted structure at the durbar ground as a key asset.
The pavilion will address these issues by providing safe and comfortable spaces for locals and visitors during social gatherings. It will also serve as a marketplace for locals, especially women, to sell goods during events, fostering economic growth and tackling Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). With no formal market in the community, the pavilion will create new opportunities for entrepreneurship, improving livelihoods and the local economy.
The project directly benefits the entire population of Komenda Dominase, totaling 2,868 people, as well as visitors who attend social events. It was made possible through the collective efforts of the project committee, the funeral committee, artisans, the acting chief and elders, youth representatives, and community members, all of whom contributed to the project’s sustainability. The community’s fundraising efforts, particularly during funeral celebrations, ensure the ongoing maintenance and development of the pavilion long after its completion.