Through a needs assessment, the community of Mpalale chose to renovate their secondary school classroom block....
The community’s goal was to establish a project that would help them increase agricultural productivity, decrease…...
The people of Mkwachi chose to implement a small-scale beekeeping project to alleviate poverty by diversifying small business opportunities....
The community was able to convey that the current status of their agricultural pursuits would not be sustainable......
Billy and the community established that there was a need for economically disadvantaged women to be able......
The community knew that they were facing a problem with their crop output....
In meetings with CorpsAfrica Volunteer Donatien Murego, community groups voiced that the yield of their main......
Nguick is a village whose economy is centered around agriculture and trade....
In collaboration with CorpsAfrica, the Douar Association proposed a project that would increase......
In collaboration with CorpsAfrica, the Douar Association proposed a project that would increase access......