


Catherine has a degree in Community Development and Environment from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Her attachment with the county social office gave her knowledge of how self-help groups and community-based organizations are formed, organized, and work. By working with the groups, she came to understand the great impact that this group has on their members as well as promoting sustainable development. Catherine was also a Financial Literacy Trainer with YSD which also equipped her with the knowledge and skills to work with the youth. She believes for sustainable development to occur then the youth have to be involved in the process. Change for her is gradual and the effort of a person at a time leads to sustainability. She has been a Volunteer with CorpsAfrica for a year and is currently an Exchange Volunteer for CorpsAfrica in Senegal. As a Volunteer with CorpsAfrica/Kenya, Catherine served in Kathangachini which is located in Tharaka North, Tharakanithi county. Through the use of asset-based community development and community-led development, she was able to have a positive impact on the community members. During her service in Kenya, she had several key accomplishments, including equipping women with essential life skills, mobilizing community members, and sharing her financial literacy knowledge with her community to improve economic development efforts. By working with the community, CorpsAfrica/Kenya, and partnering with Davis and Shirtliff, Catherine was able to implement a water project for the community. The project has made water available for Kathangachini primary with 404 pupils and secondary with 450 students as well as the community through a water kiosk that serves 179 households.