


  • Ghana_ALL
  • Ghana_G2-2023-2024
Tamiim Aliah Salifu holds a BA. Development Education Studies from the University for Development Studies- Tamale Campus. He is a dedicated and results-driven professional with a strong background in the non-governmental sector and community engagement. Throughout his educational journey, Tamiim held leadership positions, including being the 2nd Deputy Welfare Chairman of the Development Education Students Association (DESA) and serving as a Member of the Students Representative Council. He also took on the role of General Secretary for the Upper West Students Union at UDS Tamale Campus. Tamiim has furthered his knowledge through training programs and obtained certificates to enhance his skills, such as Foundations of Project Management from the Africa Online University in partnership with the University of Coventry, United Kingdom. Whilst in the university, Tamiim has been involved in numerous community, youth, and women empowerment projects with organizations like the Civil Society and Institutional Foundation (CSIF- GH), Hereafter Ghana, and the National Youth Authority (NYA). His dedication and passion for community development have driven him to touch and impact the lives of many.