Marie Celestine



  • Senegal_ALL
  • Senegal_G4-2019-2020
Marie Celestine Sagna is from Ziguinchor. She graduated from I.A.D.L (African Institute for Local Development) in Local Governance and Territorial Development. She is also an Agent of Change and Ambassador of YMCA Senegal volunteers to train in South Africa on juvenile justice and youth citizenship in Senegal. Her involvement in associative movements has opened the door to many things and has enabled her to carry out advocacy activities on the conditions of young people in conflict with the law and young people at risk. Indeed, Marie Célestine has worked extensively with civil society organizations on issues related to women’s social entrepreneurship and juvenile justice. She has led projects such as an advocacy campaign focused on the social reintegration of minors released from THIES MAC, a project to fight for the empowerment of women in Senegal, etc. It was through these activities that she discovered her passion for volunteering. This passion determined her choice to join the CorpsAfrica/Senegal family for a transformative experience.