


Emmanuel Nshimiyimana is 27 years old and single. He was born and brought up in the South of Rwanda. Since his early childhood, he wished to live a modern life in an urban area though he had not experienced it even a bit as he was born and lived in a rural area. He likes very much to sing and is passionate about being with young children and working to help vulnerable communities. Emmanuel studied education in High School and University and graduated from the University of Rwanda, College of Education. He was awarded a Bachelor of Education, Second Upper-Class Honors in July 2015. He taught in a primary school for almost a year before attending university and during university, he worked as an English tutor in an after-school program for vulnerable children at CHABHA Rwanda. He worked with Teach Rwanda as a Preschool teacher and also helped with translations and other facilitations in the training of Preschool teachers in 2016. Emmanuel did his first volunteer work at ICS (International Citizen Service) with International Service Rwanda from September to December 2016. He worked with children, youth, and women and raised awareness of children’s rights and HIV/ AIDS, and helped the women to start some small projects in their Self Help Groups. Before joining CorpsAfrica, he volunteered with VSO Rwanda as a National Volunteer-Sector Learning Facilitator where he implemented the Building Learning Foundations project activities in three sectors. He does data collection, trains teachers and other education staff at the sector level, school visits, and more. He is very glad to join CorpsAfrica to help poor communities overcome their problems and live a good life.