


Magombe Muzamiru is an Exchange Volunteer from Uganda and a medical clinical officer by profession. Muzamiru served in Buleega village, Buikwe District through which he set up 45 vegetable gardens, 10 energy cook stoves, 32 drying racks, and one coffee tree nursery. He has also supported 11 community members in starting making briquettes as an alternative to clean energy, income, and Climate change action. Muzamiru has facilitated the Butonde Bugagga group of 55 members to set up a commercial vegetable growing project on three acres. The breakeven point in his service was when he swiftly responded with empathy to an emergency where over 60 members of his community lost their homes and gardens in a violent storm. Muzamiru used his report writing and documentation skills to reach the local government and development partners. Out of this, the Red Cross reached out to the community with emergency kits. Moreover, Muzamiru rallied youth in his community to start constructing temporary shelters for those who had nowhere to go. The Buleega community opened their hearts to Muzamiru which has forever changed him. His dream is to mentor young leaders in enterprise development to serve their communities better.