


Virginie Muhawenimana was born in Rwanda, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Forestry from the University of Rwanda College of Agriculture, Animal Science, and Veterinary Medicine. Prior to joining CorpsAfrica, she worked with the Rural Environment Development Organization as a CPM (Community Project Monitor). In this role, she has learned how to monitor project activities, such as establishing nurseries for different tree species and promoting the use of CANARUMWE cooking stoves, which are highly favored by 90% of the beneficiaries for their firewood-saving features. Additionally, she has been involved in community education on the project. She also completed a professional internship with Bridge 2 Rwanda, where she learned about conservation agriculture, a method of growing crops without tillage. During her time there, she gained valuable insights into composting manure and cultivating various vegetables to combat malnutrition. Furthermore, she completed a professional internship with the Cyamudongo project, which focuses on agro-forestry tree cultivation and integrating these trees with crops on a farm.