


Patrick MUCYO holds a Bachelor of Science with honors in Agricultural Economics from the University of Rwanda (2018-2022). He is deeply committed to transforming subsistence farming into modern, sustainable practices that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). By advocating for farmers to engage in consultancy and project analysis before planting, Patrick aims to maximize sustainable profitability and promote food security, reflecting SDG 2: Zero Hunger. In his role as Field Data Supervisor at One Acre Fund, he ensured transparency in the registration and payment processes for agricultural inputs, effectively preventing fraudulent activities. This work directly contributed to improving rural livelihoods, supporting SDG 1: No Poverty. As a Volunteer Leader with the National Youth Council in Kimisagara Sector, Nyarugenge District, Patrick initiated projects aimed at reducing student dropouts and combatting drug use among youth. Patrick remains dedicated to enhancing rural development and promoting agricultural sustainability, striving to create a lasting impact in his community.