Jean Pierre



Jean Pierre Muvandimwe was born in the Gisagara District, Nyanza sector. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Development Studies from the University of Rwanda, College of Arts and Social Sciences Huye Campus. In addition, in 2023, he obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Education at the Catholic University of Rwanda (TABA Campus). Jean Pierre is a Co-Founder of the Friends of Motherland Initiative Ubumuntu with the general mission of protecting the rights of vulnerable children and supporting their education by helping them access their basic needs. Jean Pierre holds a Maroon Belt in Karate, which led to his co-founding a sports academy called Motherland Karate. From 2021 to 2023, Jean Pierre served as the Youth Coordinator for the Nyanza sector, Gisagara District, where he facilitated youth in pursuing their dreams. From 2020 to 2022, Jean Pierre also worked as an enumerator at the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) and for Water for People NGO. In addition, from 2022 to 2023, Jean Pierre served as a representative of the Gisagara Youth Empowerment Cooperative, which aims to manage the environment, create jobs, and fight against malnutrition to achieve sustainable development by establishing nursery beds. Jean Pierre believes that being a part of CorpsAfrica will help him become a real catalyst and enable him to fulfill his dreams of community transformation.