Calvin Lucas



Calvin Lucas Mashigo acquired a BA degree with a double major in Political Sciences and Psychology from the University of Limpopo. He further obtained his Political Sciences honors degree at the University of Limpopo. After his studies, he served his internship at the Council on Higher Education as a Project Officer for one year in South Africa from 2016 to 2017. During COVID-19 he served as an Education Assistant from December 2020 to August 2022 at Nkothasi School and also served as a Volunteer after the contract expired. He also served as a Secretary at a non-profit organization called Sports Against Crime in his village which focuses on taking young boys from the street to play soccer every weekend of the month where they also hold their meetings every Wednesday before the next sports days. His passion is about serving communities and making an impact on other people. CorpsAfrica complements his abilities and interests as a person.