Jean Claude



Jean Claude ISHIMWE was born and raised in Rwanda, specifically in Southern Province, Nyamagabe district. He holds a bachelor’s Degree in Animal production from University of Rwanda/College of Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (class of 2021). He worked as Youth Volunteer at Nyamagabe district and also served as Volunteer at Rwanda Red Cross in University of Rwanda, specifically in Nyagatare Campus. Jean Claude conducted his Academic internship in UR-Nyagatare fam. He learned how to deal with livestock identification and forage conservation, prevention and treatment of animal diseases and livestock feeding practices. He also did another internship in Nyamagabe district. Jean Claude conducted community agricultural extension service in 8 sectors of the Nyamagabe district to raise awareness of the GIRINKA Program and livestock insurance, livestock identification and forage production and conservation. Jean Claude believes that he was born to serve the community and volunteering is his favorite hobby, hence being corpsAfrica Volunteer is a great opportunity for him to contribute to change Rwandan and African livelihoods.